These intuitive sessions combine Spinal Attunement, TRE, guided Emotional Release and breathwork for a transformative healing journey that invites you to explore the depths of your most suppressed and rejected emotions in a safe and supported environment.

This treatment combines verbal guidance, psychosomatic bodywork and energetics. The sensation and emotion-centric approach is adapted to the organic rhythm and pace of how fast or slow each person is ready to move tension out of the body and process their emotions.


A powerful somatic modality to help us find a state of calm within our bodies

The psoas muscles are considered the fight-or-flight muscles of the human species. These primitive muscles found deep within our pelvic cavities, stand guard to protect us when we feel threatened (like when our ancestors were physically chased by tigers). Learning to activate these muscles by evoking a shake (as they’re meant to be evoked after a traumatic episode), leads to a tremor that reverberates throughout the body, naturally dissolving deep chronic physical and emotional tension along the way.


Learn more about the ritual of drinking high-quality, heirloom cacao, and join me for sacred cacao circles, private cacao events, and exploration workshops.


Carrie’s lovingly guided sessions are deeply therapeutic and transformational. The active breathing meditation supports the expression and release of emotional energy within the body and nervous system.

This particular form of breathwork is one of the most valuable tools Carrie has discovered in her decade-long healing journey. The practice deepens the connection to our physical bodies and the capacity to find self-love and expansion.

The power of these sessions cannot be explained in words. It must be experienced. ✨

More information coming soon. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to Carrie to discuss her method of breathwork.


My signature neuroplasticity course is as relevant today as it was when I first created it. The timeless concepts can and will transform your life if you are open to receiving and implementing them.

The most empowering aspect of these teachings is that thoughts alone can change brain structure, and emotions are powerful enough to strengthen these new connections so that the brain remembers the changes. Once you understand this power, it brings awareness to each and every thought you create… because these thoughts directly influence your wellbeing—both positively and negatively. This online course will provide you with the proven tools and techniques to create these powerful changes in your brain and body.


Do You Need Personal Guidance & Direction?

After healing herself entirely and helping her clients find similar paths to recovery, Carrie has become attuned to quickly and intuitively identifying emotional blocks and thought patterns that might be standing in the way of healing.

Carrie takes a limited number of 1-1 clients and requires that they commit to a minimum of 3 sessions.

During these sessions, Carrie will give you concrete, actionable guidance tailored to your specific challenges and goals. You will leave with a clear vision of exactly what steps are next for you in your healing process.

Learn more about private Mind Body Coaching with Carrie


Do you live in the Sarasota/Tampa/Ft Myers area? I work with local clients to help them restore balance to their physical and emotional bodies through a state-of-the-art Eastern medicine modality. Please contact me to discuss your individual needs.